ALL on Other Chains

Interoperability with other major blockchains is important for the growth of Alltra and the prospects of realizing its vision. One of the ways of securing it is through enabling the versions (wrappers) of ALL on other chains.

Unlinke ALL on Alltra, those wrappers are TL20 tokens are created whenever someone locks a certain number of tokens on the Alltra and gets issued the exact same amount of wrapper tokens on the target blockchain. If a user withdraws the wrapper from the target blockchain, the tokens burned and the ALL tokens on Alltra are unlocked.

Currently, wrapped versions of ALL token exist on Ethereum (mainnet), Binance Smart Chain and the Arbitrum One layer-2 optimistic rollup chain for Ethereum. The latter is a wrapper of a wrapper powered by the Ethereum-Arbitrum bridge and its withdrawals from Arbitrum are subject to the optimistic rollup rules.

ALL on Ethereum

Token contract:

ALL on Polygon

Token contract:

ALL on Binance Smart Chain

Token contract:

ALL on Arbitrum One

Token contract:

Last updated